No Free Lunch Theorem

Riteish Srivastav
2 min readFeb 23, 2023


No free lunch theorem of Optimization

A model is a simplified version of the observations. The simplifications are meant to discard the superfluous details that are unlikely to generalize to new instances. However, to decide what data to discard and what data to keep, you must make assumptions.

For example, a linear model makes the assumption that the data is fundamentally linear and that the distance between the instances and the straight line is just noise, which can safely be ignored.

In a famous 1996 paper,11 David Wolpert demonstrated that if you make absolutely no assumption about the data, then there is no reason to prefer one model over any other. This is called the No Free Lunch (NFL) theorem. For some datasets the best model is a linear model, while for other datasets it is a neural network. There is no model that is a priori guaranteed to work better (hence the name of the theorem). The only way to know for sure which model is best is to evaluate them all. Since this is not possible, in practice you make some reasonable assumptions about the data and you evaluate only a few reasonable models. For example, for simple tasks you may evaluate linear models with various levels of regularization, and for a complex problem you may evaluate various neural networks.

The NFL stated that within certain constraints, over the space of all possible problems, every optimization technique will perform as well as every other one on average (including Random Search)

Roughly speaking we show that for both static and time dependent optimization problems the average performance of any pair of algorithms across all possible problems is exactly identical.— No Free Lunch Theorems For Optimization, 1997.

An easy way to think about this finding is to consider a large table like you might have in excel. Across the top of the table, each column represents a different optimization algorithm. Down the side of the table, each row represents a different objective function. Each cell of the table is the performance of the algorithm on the objective function, using whatever performance measure you like, as long as it is consistent across the whole table. You can imagine that this table will be infinitely large. Nevertheless, in this table, we can calculate the average performance of any algorithm from all the values in its column and it will be identical to the average performance of any other algorithm column.

“If one algorithm performs better than another algorithm on one class of problems, then it will perform worse on another class of problems.”

What is No Free Lunch(NFL) theorem in ML ?

The NFL theorem for supervised machine learning is a theorem that essentially implies that “no single machine learning algorithm is universally the best performing algorithm for all problems “

